Leave a Reply Cancel reply. 196 316666667. Writing Repeating Decimals As Fractions Review Article Khan Academy Show how you made your decisions. . Which of the following fractions are repeating decimals and which are terminating. Call this the 2nd equation. A decimal that has a fixed number of number values. When a fraction is represented as a decimal it can take the form of a terminating decimal. So the initial form of the fraction is 2490. The formula to convert any repeating decimal number to a fraction is as follows. Posted on 26 September 2021 by lets tokmak. To convert the decimal 226 to a fraction just. 65 rows 226 11350 21350 as a fraction. Added 12292017 101827 AM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Without actual division classify the decimal expansion of the following numbers as terminating or non-terminating and recurring. The bar depicted above is presented ...